In January, Trevor and I made the decision to become foster parents. After two miscarriages and months of unsuccessful trying, it was time for some forward momentum. Thus began the tedious process of classes, paperwork, background checks, fingerprints, TB tests, First Aid/CPR/HIV training, and a home study. After countless hours of work and way too many hoops to jump through to count, by the end of April we had recieved our foster care license in the mail. We now reached the "waiting stage" of the process and surprisingly, we didn't have to wait long.
Last Monday we recieved a phone call from a social worker informing us that there were three kids who needed a place to stay - a 9-year-old girl, a 6-year-old girl, and a 3-year-old boy. We didn't hesitate for one second and said our home was more than open. As quickly as they came, they just as quickly went away, leaving behind a quiet that we no longer want. Yesterday they left us to live with their aunt and in turn have left us very contemplative, very sad, and yet nonetheless, very appreciative of the time we had with them.
The lessons we learned by having these children in our home for just 10 short days will remain with us for a lifetime. Here are just a few...
- Hide the licorice and the pop.
- Bath time requires rubber duckies and tupperware.
- You don't need lots of toys or other things to keep kids entertained - a big back yard with dirt to dig in and a ball to kick around can be enough.
- Teaching a 3-year-old how to use "please" and "thank you" can be the most intellectually challenging task you may ever face.
- Hearing a 3-year-old say "please" or "thank you" unprompted can be the most rewarding part of your entire day.
- Sparkly headbands and hot pink sandals can make any 6- and 9-year-old girls' dreams come true.
- Strep throat sucks and strep throat times three sucks even more.
- Taking three kids to a movie means you won't get to watch it. Period.
- Sometimes cereal is good for dinner...and never, ever, ever put garlic in scrambled eggs.
- Drawing and coloring and play dough are fun for everybody.
- Hearing "I love you" and "I will miss you" from the mouths of babes can bring you to your knees.
- Peace, quiet, and clean are completely and totally over rated.
- Ten days is not too short of a period to fall in love with someone, and in our case, with three someones.
To L and A and E...thank you for being you.