My dear baby boy...
Your mama is a week late in writing this letter. The whole fam-damily came into town and just left today so we have been partying hard, celebrating you and your big brother. A year and a week ago today, you entered this world at 12:52 p.m. I had waited for the day of your arrival so cautiously, and to finally see you, hold you, kiss you and hug you was mind-boggling. I fell in love, immediately and completely. You were better than I ever imagined, and every day you continue to amaze me. I watch you when you aren't looking, little one, and I am enamored with all things Noah. Enamored, entranced and addicted.
Over the past year, I have watched in awe as you have become so independent, so fearless, and so full of joy. You entertain yourself endlessly, you have no issue scaling a bookshelf or a BBQ grill or a twisty slide, and your smile is so charming that I am pretty sure that when you enter your teenage years, I am going to have to put a deadbolt on the outside of your door (and for the record, I will do it). You exude happiness, my boy, and we find it contagious. You love your puppies and kitties, a cold dip in the pool, swinging and sliding and climbing, and eating. Eating might just be your passion, only to be topped by laughing with your brother. You adore him and he adores you. That is my favorite part of all things mama.
As I watch you become exactly who you are supposed to be, I can only hope that you will always know how much your papa and I love you and adore you. We hope you chase your dreams with the same independence, fearlessness and joy we see in you today, and we will remind you every day that you are our living dream come true.
Happy Belated First Birthday, my love.
I love you bigger than all the mountains and deeper than all the seas.
Your mama