Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is NOT a joke!

Out of nowhere last night, Olive the Wonder Cat did yet another wondrous thing...she started watching TV. When I say "watching," I really mean WATCHING. Ironically, what captured her interest was a rousing episode of "The Dog Whisperer." Initially, it was the paper-eating cocker spaniel that caught her fancy, but even good ol' Cesar Millan seemed to tickle her whiskers. Unbelievable! The proof is in the pictures...


Melanie said...

I'm glad you have made your home such a safe place. Your cat feels comfortable seeking what she needs to ensure her mental health. Kudos to you Sara, you are a fine pet parent!

Melanie said...

Olive has found her soulmate! This is great! What a freaky cat!!! I love her.

babybuddhalover said...

These are exactly the posts I love to read about.... crazy animal stuff- I have been meaning to video some of the brother/sister love between my crazy pets.... gotta get on that! My cat loves loves to watch funny kitty videos on you tube! Try it with your kittty kitty!

Angela said...

You know you super glued her furry bum to that table top! :) j/k. how fun- can't wait to visit you and your brilliant kitties again soon.