Monday, November 1, 2010


October marked the first of many firsts...

There was the eating of cereal and peas. The peas won out by a land slide.

There was the sitting up in his little rubber seat (I forget what it's called), which made him look like a man. We are still waiting for the rolling over but the boy loves to stand and loves to sit in his seat.

And then there was the first Halloween. While he felt awful and struggled with a fever and the vomiting of phlegm, he and his cousin still made the best Thing 1 and Thing 2 I have ever seen.

And for the record, we are still patiently waiting for the first sleeping through the night.


PRP said...

I love him. And you!

Dianna said...

Alex ate rice cereal today too. Well, ate is probably not the correct description. Perhaps swished some rice cereal? Anyway it went pretty well until he sneezed and it all sprayed back at me. :)

D's Mix said...

I can't even tell you how much I love those costumes.