Sunday, November 25, 2012


...for laughter,
...for connection,
...for budding friendships,
and fall.
...for an Opa who mows lawns and carry grandbabies,
...for time with great-grandma,
...for feasts with Oma,
and turkeys named Bob.
...for a little one whom my little ones ADORE,
...for a big one who is so extremely patient,
...for him,

and this.

...for brothers,
...for cheap hats,
...for making homemade noodles,
and for messes.
...for family tradition,
...for photo opportunities,

and Christmas trees!
...for this exact life.
I am so, so thankful.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

so sweet.
My favorite pictures are the noodle-making ones :) Nico certainly knows how to steal the show.