Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some pictures should never be made public...

...but then again, who am I to make that decision? So, here it is, the picture that should have remained hidden inside the depths of our computer:

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...memories! We headed over to Pullman last weekend to visit my dad as well as a few friends, and to watch the Cougs get spanked by USC. What a spanking it was. It actually ended up being the biggest spanking the Cougs have ever received in their entire football history, and we, of course, were there to witness it. As we were walking to the stadium, we were approached by a couple of "Coach of the Year" representatives who handed us each a rally rag and then snapped this picture. I must say, Pullman in the fall makes my heart sing, and while Trevor is not technically a Coug, at least he married one. Go Cougs!!!!


Angela said...

They kinda look like red panties- for a few minutes I was pretty confused...

Melanie said...

I too thought they were someones chonie-wonies. Thank goodness they Trevor was not waving your undies in front of your dad!!! I love Pullman in the fall, even when the Cougs are loosing.